Xcel Energy Rebates Are Tripling in 2025!

System Replacement: Should You Upgrade Now?

Last week we talked about why you might think about replacing your furnace before the cold weather leaves for good.  But there are also some really good reasons for doing a whole system replacement–both air conditioner and furnace. Yes, even in February!

Benefits to System Replacement

  • System more efficient and easier to maintain. Did you know that the two units are connected? The cool air generated from the air conditioner has to pass through the furnace in order to cool down your house in the summer. Because of this, having an entire system that is the same age helps with efficiency and maintenance.
  • Lower energy bills. Depending on how well the system was maintained, homeowners can expect to get 12-15 years out of a furnace and air conditioner. After that the system starts to run less efficiently and ends up costing more in energy bills. If your system is getting up there in years, consider system replacement now!
  • Perks of off-peak. While it might seem strange, now is a great time to get a new air conditioner! Since we are off-peak, it is easy to get on our schedule, and our warehouse is well-stocked with the latest and greatest models.

We Make It Easy On You

We hope we’ve convinced you of the benefits of system replacement–better efficiency, easy maintenance, lower energy bills, and quick installation. But to sweeten the deal further, remember that Xcel offers rebates for both new air conditioners and furnaces, which helps off-set your initial investment. We also want to remind you that we are extending 6-month, zero-interest-down financing throughout the month of February.

So call Dan at 720-876-7166 today to discuss system replacement and financing options! We would be happy to give you a free estimate on upgrading your system.
