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Duct Cleaning: Is it Necessary? And Who Should Do It?

We recommend cleaning your air ducts as part of the general maintenance of your HVAC system, but if you are looking into duct cleaning for your Denver home, here are few things you should keep in mind (based on the EPA’s recommendations):

  1. Duct cleaning only needs to happen on an as-needed basis (we think every two to three years is sufficient) as part of your regular home maintenance.
  2. There are no proven health benefits to duct cleaning, as the EPA notes, but if you are having specific concerns about symptoms your family is experiencing, you should make sure that your ducts have not been contaminated.
  3. If you do have mold in your fiberglass duct liner, duct cleaning is not sufficient.  Any wet or moldy fiberglass duct material must be replaced.
  4. The best way to prevent mold growth is controlling moisture–this means watching for leaks, properly maintaining humidifiers, and drain pans are properly positioned and cleaned.
  5. Be very cautious about allowing the use of chemical biocides–some of these might have opposite the intended effect and actually contaminate the air in your house.

Our recommendation is to go with a company that focuses on duct cleaning as their specialty because they will likely do a more thorough job. It is also a good practice to get two or three quotes, so that you can be sure you are getting a competitive price. For a list of duct cleaning companies in Colorado, you can search the National Air Duct Cleaners Association’s website.

If you have any questions about duct cleaning or HVAC installation or maintenance, please contact Dan at 720.876.7166 or [email protected].
