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Allergies Be Gone With Sensible Heating & Cooling

Allergies! ‘Tis the season for runny noses, itchy eyeballs and sore throats – all the typical symptoms of environmental allergies. If you’re one of the 40 million Americans who suffer this time of year, you’ll be glad to know Sensible Heating & Cooling has a few suggestions for making your nights and days a little more enjoyable.

* Temperature and Humidity: Hot and humid homes can be breeding grounds for dust mites and mold. Maintain your home’s temperature at 68-72 degrees F and keep relative humidity no higher than 50 percent. Sensible can help with both your heating and cooling needs to maintain these temperatures.

* Air Filtration: Choose a small-particle or HEPA filter and try adjusting it so clean air is directed toward your head when you sleep. At Sensible, we recommend the MicroPower Guard filter; it’s a cost-effective and easy way to maintain clean air in the home. Be sure to clean or replace the filter at least once a month.

* Window Wonder: Keep your windows closed and rely on air conditioning when pollen counts are high. If you suspect your AC is due for a tune-up, call Sensible Heating & Cooling today.

If you’ve had it with this season’s allergy ailments, call Sensible Heating & Cooling. Together, we’ll make your home a safe-haven against environmental allergies.

About Sensible Heating & Cooling

Sensible Heating & Cooling is Denver’s Premier Heating & Cooling company, offering a wealth of experience and knowledge in traditional HVAC as well as alternative systems such as geothermal and heat pumps. To learn more about Sensible, visit https://sensibleheat.net/.
