Xcel Energy Rebates Are Tripling in 2025!

Xcel Energy Extends High-Efficiency Rebate Offerings Deadline

Has time gotten away from you? Not to worry. Xcel Energy is extending its deadline on rebate offerings for qualifying high-efficiency furnaces. Work with Sensible Heating & Cooling to purchase and install a new furnace between now and Sunday, March 18, 2018, and you could save up to $750 when you combine the standard $300 rebate with the limited time bonus rebate of $450. Rebate applications are due Friday, April 6, 2018. Some restrictions do apply. For complete details, and information about other Xcel Energy rebate programs, review Xcel Energy’s Programs & Rebates. The original installation deadline was Sunday, Dec. 31.

If you’re considering a new air conditioner, furnace, and/or other residential HVAC systems for your home, consider Sensible Heating & Cooling. We are an Xcel Energy registered contractor, and offer free estimates and 18-months zero percent financing on new installations. We also offer Annual Service Agreements (ASAs); an extension of support well beyond the initial install. Customers can choose from one of three agreement levels – Gold, Silver and Bronze – to ensure your home’s air conditioner, furnace, and/or other systems are running in tip-top shape. Our ASAs include yearly tune-ups and inspections, guaranteed emergency service, and reduced rates for repairs. Call us today at 720-876-7166 to schedule free estimate.
