Xcel Energy Rebates Are Tripling in 2025!

Sensible Featured In Denver Post Article

Have you heard that news? Sensible Heating & Cooling was recently featured in an article in the Denver Post. We are thrilled!

The article features information about a geothermal system that we installed for a new home build in the Park Hill neighborhood. The home is going to be featured in the Park Hill Home Tour and Street Fair coming up this Sunday, September 28th.

As part of a new modern home build in the historic neighborhood, the owners of a home in Park Hill contacted us because they were interested in using a complete geothermal system. The homeowners are both architects and understand and appreciate the benefits of using geothermal energy in a home. The owners wanted to use solar energy to energize their home and geothermal pumps offer an efficient way of doing with without the need of huge solar arrays.

To read the Denver Post article and learn more about this exciting project, click here: http://www.denverpost.com/homegarden/ci_26569191/denver-home-combines-solar-and-geothermal-but-youd

If you are interested in learning more about using alternative energy in your home, contact us anytime at 720-876-7166 or email Dan directly at [email protected].
