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Save Energy and Money – Don’t Turn Your AC Off!

We’re all concerned about saving energy and money, and if your household is anything like ours, you’ve probably had the conversation about turning off lights and anything that draws power. The struggle of homes across the country!

It may sound crazy, but the one item you want to leave running this summer is your AC. Even though it’s counterintuitive, turning off your AC doesn’t pay off in the long run.

When you completely shut down your air conditioner, your home heats up quickly. This means, when you return home and turn your unit on, it has to work harder and use more energy to cool your home again. It’s takes longer to get the temperature comfortable and puts unneeded strain on your air conditioner.

The other important thing to keep in mind is that you don’t save money by turning off your AC during the day. You are using additional energy to regulate the temperature in your home and if you’re cranking it up again at 5:00 PM, you’re competing with all the other folks turning on their ACs when they get off work – energy is more expensive when demand is high.

But we have a great solution! A programmable thermostat helps you keep your home moderately cool during the day and adjusts its settings to keep you cooler in the evenings and on weekends when you’re lounging at home. There are a great variety of products you can use to keep your home comfortable and even “smart” thermostats that learn your cooling preferences and adjust automatically. Sure, you can try to regulate this yourself, but a programmable thermostat takes the headache out of being consistent.

If you’re curious about making your AC more efficient or the programmable thermostats that we recommend, contact us!
