Xcel Energy Rebates Are Tripling in 2025!

Rebates Are Available. Find Out How To Get Them.

We have mentioned the rebates available from Xcel Energy several times on our blog and email communications. The rebates range from appliances to insulation and more. When we get asked about the rebates, we often tell people that they should try to get the most out of your money since this year’s rebates are really great. Here are some suggestions:

  • Since there are rebates for both air conditioning and heating, you may want to think about doing a whole system replacement. That way you are getting the maximum rebate amount that you can get and you will save on your energy bills year round because you will have a more efficient air conditioner and furnace.
  • Think about pairing a high efficiency furnace with a heat pump. The rebate available with a heat pump is really high! Then you can have the option to choose whether you want to heat your home using gas or electricity. In times when electricity is cheaper than gas you will certainly save on your energy bills.
  • For more information about the rebates available to you this year, check out Xcel Energy’s website.

Are you hot? Call us to help with your cooling needs. Contact us anytime at 720-876-7166 or email Dan directly at [email protected].
