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Preparing to Turn on Your Furnace: Quick Checklist

It looks like we still have some 80-degree days ahead, but you can feel that slight chill in the air that signals the coming of fall. Maybe it’s being in the heating and cooling industry, but there is always something exciting about the changing of seasons. Of course, it also forces you to think back a whole year to what routine maintenance activities need to be done. Don’t be intimidated, though! We are here to share a fall checklist for preparing to turn on your furnace.

preparing to turn on your furnacePreparing to Turn on Your Furnace

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  • Change the filter. When preparing to turn on your furnace, this should always be your first step. (And change your water panel on your whole house humidifier–if you have one–while you’re at it.)
  • Don’t wait too long. The first chilly day is the best time to check that the furnace is working properly. If you wait until it is well and truly cold and realize that you have a problem, it will be a very chilly wait for maintenance!
  • Give it a sniff.  A musty, burning smell is totally normal–that’s just the dust that accumulated over the spring and summer getting burned off. But if it smells like gas, call an HVAC technician immediately!
  • Check carbon monoxide detectors. These should be in good working order before you turn on the furnace, and if they start beeping, turn off the furnace immediately and call an HVAC technician (from somewhere outside of the house!)


You can keep this list handy for the next time summer changes to fall to remind yourself that preparing to turn on your furnace is no sweat.

If you have any additional questions or would like to schedule a furnace maintenance this fall, please call Dan at 720.876.7166 or [email protected].

