Xcel Energy Rebates Are Tripling in 2025!

Oil And Gas Prices Going Up

Recent news reports have indicated that we can all expect to see a sharp increase in oil and gas prices for the remainder of the winter, largely because of all the cold weather on the east coast. Although we are well into February, there is still a lot of cold nights left, and we could all be feeling the impact of the higher Xcel bills soon. If you are interested in exploring some alternatives, here are a few options to consider:

· High Efficiency Systems: There are a lot of traditional furnace options that are much higher efficiency than those available in the past. You can find systems up to 95% efficient, meaning that only 5% of the heat is lost. You can also look into two-stage furnaces, which are even more efficient and will save you even more on energy costs.

· Tankless or Solar Water Heaters: A lot of homeowners don’t realize that their water heater is actually one of the biggest energy/gas hogs in the house. If your water heater is older, or you simply want an alternative system, we can help you explore a tankless water heater or a solar water heater. Both are more expensive to install, but both will see a big savings over the life of the water heater.

· Heat Pumps or Geothermal: If you are interested in installing a system that will have extremely low energy consumption, you should consider a heat pump or a geothermal system. Both will provide your heating and cooling for your home, and both consume very little energy. Retrofitting these systems into your home is usually possible – during an estimate our technicians can give you a good idea of which one would fit your home and budget better. Another bonus – there are a lot of great tax credits and Xcel rebates on these systems to help you save even more!

If you would like to find out more about installing a new, energy efficient system, call us today! We always offer free estimates, and we would love the opportunity to meet with you and discuss all options to see what fits best for you. Call us at 720-876-7166 or email us at [email protected] today!
