Xcel Energy Rebates Are Tripling in 2025!

Let’s Get Efficient! Shopping For Your New Furnace

If you are shopping for a new furnace, you may be wondering about efficiency of the new unit. We are often asked about the efficiency rating on furnaces and boilers and what the numbers mean.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when looking for a more efficient furnace:

  • Essentially the AFUE (or the efficiency rating) is the ratio of heat output compared to the fossil fuel consumed by the furnace or boiler. In essence, if you have a 90% efficient furnace, then 90% of the energy used to heat your home is actually being used, while the other 10% is escaping outside or up the flue.
  • The higher the efficiency of your furnace, the less you will spend on your energy bills because your furnace will use more of the fuel to actually heat your home.
  • Higher efficiency furnaces are more expensive and can certainly require more investment on the front end. However, you should remember that you are essentially investing in lower heating bills over the life of the furnace, as well as a lower carbon footprint.
  • You will also qualify for better tax credits, and higher Xcel Energy rebates when you purchase a high efficiency furnace. This will certainly help to offset the initial investment.

For more information on high efficiency furnaces or to schedule a free estimate for a new system, call us today! Owner Dan Schmied can be reached at 720.876.7166 or via email at [email protected].
