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Electronic Filter Types and Advantages

As we promised last week, this week we’ll discuss a fourth furnace filter option: an electrostatic (electronic) filter. These filters have several advantages over the other filter options.

Electronic Filter Advantages

One electronic filter option we recommend and install is a MicroPower Guard electronic filters. These filters use an electrostatic charge to trap airborne particles (the way this works is that the electronically charged pad attracts invisible contaminants that are polarized as they enter the filter and then fused to the pad).

The MicroPower Guard electronic filters come with a lifetime warranty. So the filter itself is reusable, and all that you have to do is slip in a new, eco-friendly media pad every three months or so. Unlike some other electrostatic filters, these electronic filters don’t require washing. There is also no need for adjusting ductwork–these filters slip right into the existing slot in your furnace.

We think that the MicroPower Guard electronic filters provide superior filtration, and they are environmentally friendly because they are made of natural glass fibers, use very little energy (only 2 watts of power!), and will make your HVAC system operate more efficiently.

Other Electronic Filter Options

If you want a little more filtering power, you can opt for a duct-mounted electronic air cleaner. These require a little more upfront cost and effort, but you don’t have to worry about buying and replacing the media pads (you do, however, need to wash the filter regularly–which can often easily be done in your dishwasher). These duct-mounted electronic filters provide superior efficiency and pressure drop characteristics.

If you have questions about which furnace air filter type is right for your home, don’t hesitate to call. You can reach Dan at 720.876.7166 or [email protected].
