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Change Is In The Air – Change Those Filters

Your furnace has been working hard all winter, but now that spring is here, it’s time to give your air conditioner a little TLC. The key to the longevity of your furnace is seasonal maintenance.

We like to remind our customers that there isn’t anything you really need to do to make the switch from your furnace to your air conditioner. However, keep in mind that if you have a traditional forced air set-up, your air conditioner is still using your furnace to circulate air through your house. This means it’s the perfect time for a quick once over for spring and summer! And even more important, furnace filter replacement.

Filters should be changed every three months, as they are doing the invaluable work of blocking allergens and dust throughout the year. If you have pets, allergies or live in an area with a lot of construction or pollution, it’s even more important that you maintain healthy air quality.

Another benefit of routine filter change is it helps your system to function more efficiently. This means it keeps your energy costs down, and ultimately, extends the life of your HVAC system by keeping your house cooler and achieving optimum air flow.

We’re always happy to recommend the best filter for your home, including electrostatic filters that attract dust particles. Click here to learn more: http://bit.ly/2pk2G0i

If you have any questions, reach out to us! We’re always happy to learn more about your needs and make suggestions about efficient options that will work for you.

Call Dan today at 720-373-8145 or email him at [email protected].
