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Better Business Bureau A+ Rating: We Make the Grade!

We are extremely proud to share that we have been given an A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau. This is a huge deal for contractors, and we are happy to have it as a confirmation that we are on the right track with how we approach our business and dealings with customers.

If you aren’t familiar with Better Business Bureau (BBB) ratings, here is what they are looking at when they rate businesses:

  1. Business’s complaint history with BBB. This takes into account both the number of complaints filed and whether they were resolved.
  2. The type of business.  In other words, if you are running an illegal business, you get an F.
  3. Time in business. Businesses that have been around for longer get a better rating.
  4. Transparent business practices. Whether a business provides complete information about products and services offered and about ownership.
  5. Failure to honor commitments to BBB. If a business doesn’t abide by an agreement to participate in mediation or arbitration, this can hurt their rating.
  6. Licensing and government actions known to BBB. Whether a business has competency licensing and whether it has been involved in government actions.
  7. Advertising issues known to BBB. This can relate to misuse of the BBB name or marks or to false advertising claims.

Obviously, being given an A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau means that Sensible Heating and Cooling was rated well on each and every measure described here. As you can see in our report, we have had NO complaints at all, and we intend to keep it that way!

If you have any questions, or if you would like any assistance with your heating and cooling needs, please contact Dan at 720.876.7166 or [email protected].

